阿格尼斯的外套:一位心理学家对疯狂意义的探索 [有声书]
In a Victorian-era German asylum, seamstress Agnes Richter painstakingly stitched a mysterious autobiographical text into every inch of the jacket she created from her institutional uniform. Despite every attempt to silence them, hundreds of other patients have managed to get their stories out, at least in disguised form. Today, in a vibrant underground net-work of "psychiatric survivor groups" all over the world, patients work together to unravel the mysteries of madness and help one another re-cover.
Optimistic, courageous, and surprising, Agnes's Jacket takes us from a code-cracking bunker during World War II to the church basements and treatment centers where a whole new way of understanding the mind has begun to take form. A vast gulf exists between the way medicine explains psychiatric illness and the experiences of those who suffer. Hornstein's luminous work helps us bridge that gulf, guiding us through the inner lives of those diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar illness, depression, and paranoia and emerging with nothing less than a new model for understanding one another and ourselves.
在 Victorian 时期的德国精神病院里,缝纫女工阿格妮丝·齐尔特(Agnes Richter)一丝不苟地将一篇神秘的自传性文本缝制进了她从机构制服中裁剪出的大衣的每一寸布料。尽管人们尽力去压制她们的声音,数百名其他患者还是设法将自己的故事传播出去,只是以一种伪装的形式。如今,在世界各个地方充满活力的秘密网络“精神病人幸存者团体”中,患者们共同努力来破解疯癫之谜,并互相帮助重新找回自我。 乐观、勇敢且令人惊讶的是,阿格妮丝的大衣带我们从二战期间的密码破译 bunker 转移到了新理解心灵开始萌芽的教堂地下室和治疗中心。医学对精神病学疾病的解释与那些饱受折磨的人们的生活经历之间存在着巨大的鸿沟。霍尔斯坦(Hornstein)的光辉之作帮助我们在跨越这个鸿沟的过程中前行,引领我们穿越被诊断为精神分裂症、双相情感障碍、抑郁症及妄想症者的内心世界,并最终得出一个全新的理解彼此和自我之间的模式。
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